A State-by-State Look at Storm-Related Power Outages in New England
Posted by erik devaney
Courtesy of Associated Press
More than 3 million homes across the Northeast lost power at some point as a result of Saturday’s nor’easter. In addition, at least a dozen deaths are blamed on the storm through traffic accidents, electrocutions or other causes.
The wet, heavy snow from the storm accumulated on still-leafy trees and snapped off branches or toppled them altogether, taking down power lines in the process.
Below is a look at some of the effects the storm had on the six New England states (as of midday Monday).
More than 750,000 customers still without power, down from more than 830,000, a number that broke the state record set by the remnants of Hurricane Irene in August. At least two deaths. Communications disrupted because of damage to hundreds of cell phone towers. Passengers stranded for seven hours or more on tarmac at Hartford’s airport after being diverted from New York-area airports.
“Connecticut is now in the very first stages of recovering from a storm of a magnitude and at a time of year that we have never experienced before.” said Governor Dannel Malloy on Sunday. “Hundreds of thousands of households are without power or heat, travel conditions remain dangerous, and damage to our electric infrastructure continues.”
About 20,000 without power, down from about 160,000.
“Safety must be everyone’s first priority for the next few days, starting with safety for trick-or-treaters,” the Maine Emergency Management Agency noted in a Sunday statement. “As the storm moves away, crews are making good progress to clear downed lines and restore power. However, anyone venturing out for Halloween parties or traditional door-to-door trick-or-treating should be aware that streets may be dark, and snow banks may reduce visibility. Central Maine Power adds that damaged utility equipment may be on the ground, or hanging lower than usual.”
More than 500,000 without power. Delays on commuter rail into Boston. Dozens of school districts cancel classes; many communities call off Halloween trick-or-treating because of downed power lines.
“This historic October storm has left people without power at a time when temperatures are dropping, putting families and senior citizens at risk,” said Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray on Monday. “As we assist municipalities and businesses across the state to get back on their feet, we are also urging residents to take steps to stay safe and warm, and to assist neighbors in need.”
New Hampshire
About 220,000 without power, down from more than 315,000. Shelters open for people without heat.
“It is possible people will be without power for several days, so residents who are without power should consider alternative shelter plans,” said Governor John Lynch on Sunday. The governor is also encouraging residents to check on their neighbors.
Rhode Island
More than 1,700 without power, down from about 20,000. Crews try to raise a sunken barge containing hundreds of gallons of diesel fuel.
National Grid spokesman David Graves said he expects power to be restored statewide by the end of the day Monday.
About 7,500 lost power at some point. Parts of southern Vermont reported more than a foot of snow.
Brattleboro reported 16 inches and Woodford near Bennington recorded 14 inches as a result of the October storm.
Copyright 2011 The Associated Press.
(With additional information from New England Post)
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