All service will be suspended effective 2pm today. Customers are encouraged to make final MBTA trips as early as possible to ensure safe arrival at their destination. Regularly scheduled service will operate until service is suspended. The safety of customers, employees, and infrastructure is the MBTA’s top priority. Customers are encouraged to check MBTA.com, follow the MBTA [...]

Known as innovators of the game of basketball for decades, the world famous Harlem Globetrotters are again introducing something unparalleled in the history of sports and family entertainment, taking kid participation and fun to a whole new level when the Globetrotters come to DCU Center in Worcester on Sunday, March 17, 2013, at 2:00 p.m. For the first time [...]

We are consultants. We help businesses grow, and love doing it. But we didn’t know what consulting—or, really, business—really meant, until well past high school. Each of us grew up, like many of us, with a narrow view of potential career paths: Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher, Policeman, Artist, and Business Man – this image of the [...]

Governor Deval Patrick proclaimed August 19-25 Massachusetts Farmers’ Market Week, calling farmers’ markets across the state “essential to the vitality of Massachusetts farms.” The week will officially kick off on Monday, August 20, when Department of Agricultural Resources (DAR) Commissioner Greg Watson reads the proclamation at the 28th Annual Massachusetts Tomato Contest at Boston’s City Hall [...]

The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) today announced Massachusetts’ clean energy economy grew by 11.2 percent from July 2011 to July 2012. According to the 2012 Massachusetts Clean Energy Industry Report released today the growing sector now employs 71,523 people at 4,995 clean energy firms across Massachusetts. “I have said from the beginning of this [...]

NEW YORK (AP) — A new study has found that YouTube has become a major platform for news, one where viewers are turning for eyewitness videos in times of major events and natural disasters. The Pew Research Center’s Project for Excellence in Journalism on Monday released their examination of 15 months of the most popular [...]

WASHINGTON (AP) — Can the Internal Revenue Service police President Barack Obama’s health care mandate while simultaneously collecting all the taxes for running the federal government? The question is being renewed in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision upholding most of the 2010 Affordable Care Act as a tax issue rather than one of [...]

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) announced on Thursday that West Nile virus (WNV) has been detected in a mosquito in Massachusetts for the first time this year. A WNV infection was confirmed by the State Laboratory Institute today in a mosquito sample which was collected on June 20 in the City of Boston. [...]

A New Hampshire man has been sentenced to four years in jail for leading a mortgage scheme that defrauded more than a dozen financial lending institutions and several homebuyers of more than $2 million in connection with the purchase of 26 multi-family properties in the Boston area, Attorney General Martha Coakley announced today. Following a [...]

It just got harder to get into Harvard. Harvard University Police Department has placed the area under lockdown. The majority of the gates have been closed. The few that remain open are policed by HUPD. A valid Harvard Universiy ID or course registration paperwork is now required of all individuals entering the yard. “The institution’s [...]